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CME Analysis Information (for CME activity ID: 2024-12-29T01:23:00-CME-001)
Catalog: M2M_CATALOG
Data Level: 0 (0=real-time, 1=real-time and checked by supervising forecaster, 2=retrospective science level data analysis)
Use as primary measurement: true
Measurement Technique: SWPC_CAT
Detecting Instruments:
Image Type: running difference
Speed (km/s): 881.0
Speed measured at height (Rs): 23.0
Type: C
Direction (LON/LAT in HEEQ): -1.0/ -18.0
Half Angular Width (degree): 21.0
Minor Half-width (degree): None Entered
Tilt (degree): None Entered
Time@21.5: 2024-12-29T04:56Z
Info/Session URL: None Entered
Leading edge measurement using SOHO LASCO and STEREO A COR2 to triangulate the source, which suggests higher confidence in the northern hemispheric eruption as opposed to AR 3939 in the southeast.
Measurement Feature Code(s):
LE: Leading Edge
General Keyword(s):
Submitted on 2024-12-29T20:32Z by Chris Stubenrauch

A Notification with ID 20241229-AL-008 was sent on 2024-12-29T20:37Z

The List of WSA-ENLIL Results:
Model Name Model Completion Time AU CME Input(s) Predicted Earth Impact Predicted Other Location(s) Impact
WSA-ENLIL+Cone 2024-12-29T20:28Z 2.0
Earth Shock Arrival Time = 2024-12-31T17:06Z
Duration of disturbance (hr) = 35.4
Minimum magnetopause standoff distance: Rmin(Re) = 6.3
Possible Kp index:
Lucy = 2025-01-01T00:59Z
Solar Orbiter = 2024-12-31T15:47Z
Europa Clipper = 2025-01-01T20:00Z
Mars = 2025-01-03T02:00Z
STEREO A = 2025-01-01T04:00Z
WSA-ENLIL+Cone 2024-12-30T16:44Z 2.0
Earth Shock Arrival Time = 2024-12-31T10:28Z
Duration of disturbance (hr) = 16.5
Minimum magnetopause standoff distance: Rmin(Re) = 5.0
Possible Kp index:
Europa Clipper = 2025-01-01T08:56Z
Lucy = 2024-12-31T16:59Z
Mars = 2025-01-02T08:52Z
Solar Orbiter = 2024-12-31T10:12Z
STEREO A = 2025-01-01T00:31Z
Juice = 2024-12-31T04:00Z
WSA-ENLIL+Cone 2024-12-30T17:06Z 5.5
Earth Shock Arrival Time = 2024-12-31T10:29Z
Duration of disturbance (hr) = 17.1
Minimum magnetopause standoff distance: Rmin(Re) = 5.0
Possible Kp index:
Europa Clipper = 2025-01-01T08:59Z
Lucy = 2024-12-31T16:52Z
Mars = 2025-01-02T08:55Z
Solar Orbiter = 2024-12-31T10:13Z
STEREO A = 2025-01-01T00:31Z
Juice = 2024-12-31T04:00Z
Juno = 2025-01-12T18:00Z

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